Saturday, April 27, 2013

FInal Reflection

Taking part in SAISA Boys Basket Ball really helped me learn a lot in terms of how much I know of my strengths, both mentally and physically. The act of playing a part in a team sport taught me several valuable lessons in both respect towards teammates and members of other teams, as well and how to play a fair game. In addition to this I was able to learn more about my weaknesses and identifying the areas that I could improve like awareness skills required to play in a game situation. By learning the plays and the drills I was able to gain a different perspective on the game and how it can be played mentally as well as physically. I learnt how to strategize under the pressure of the game against opponent players on the opposite team. In doing this I learnt how to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent team.

I can say looking back at the beginning of the year I thought that I would not succeed being a CAS leader but as the year went on I learnt a lot about responsibility and leadership, which I found to be a big mental challenge. I learned how to manage my time efficiently and I learned several new skills in terms of learning to build houses in Habitat for Humanity and the sheer  manual labor that goes into physically build one. Through  CAS I also was able to plan and initiate activities like the builds and the meetings. In the builds I learned how to plan ahead and organize who’s going and who isn’t. in the meetings we would discuss more in depth on how we could make a difference to the community and organize fund raises for the less fortunate. We also learned to work collaboratively with the main head quarters for the Habitat foundation in Sri Lanka to organize builds which we could take part in. also we learned as leaders to work collaboratively with our peers in class and at the build cites.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

We have recently just finished our last build as seniors, it was interesting as we visited a previously attended build in which we had helped with a house. this time we were building a community centre/ kindergarden school in which had to dig out the foundation and create cement pillars. 
we worked collaboratively with each other and worked well under the blazing sun. 

the appreciation towards our efforts were shown in a little dance that the community had organized with a few children from the neighboring houses. they took the time to create a traditional dance pin which the children wore consumes and had synchronized dance moves it was quite entertaining. also it felt like we had connected twits the community that we were helping and it felt good to leaving the build site knowing that we successfully achieved our goal. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

saisa basket ball

- SAISA is an international inter interschool organization that reaches out into several sports and an individual that participates in saisa has the chance to meet new people take new risks and step out of one comfort zone. This is not my first saisa but it is my first saisa as a part of the osc basketball team. So I had a lot to learn in terms of the new plays as well as the positions on the court, which were all new to me as I am used to playing backyard basketball with my friends. So moving up to something that involves travel to foreign country being hosted by a foreign host family is all very interesting and I have the chance to learn a lot from it. Unlike most schools in Sri Lanka don't travel abroad but travel domestically, which shows how privileged I'm to be a part of something like saisa where we get to travel with our friends and get to have fun and learn new skills and make new friends.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

saisa basketball

we have had about four games so far and with each game our team is showing promise, we are start to understand the plays and develop on skill like collaborative communication on the court. it is also helping us push ourselves and take on new challenges like playing better and working well as a team.
also we learn about sportsmanship how to be a better athlete.

we have a game this friday against the school known as CIS, who are supposed to be the best at the moment so we are going to put our skills to the test and try and win.

habitat for humanity

This is the link to the habitat for humanity blog which is an accumulation of pictures and first hand experiences of the students involved in the program at osc. this a great record of all the builds and personal opinions on the service program.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

DP semister two

I have developed on the goals I had set for myself at the beginning of the year: I have joined the basketball team this semester which accounts for increasing my awareness of my own strengths and areas for my growth. Undertaking new challenges Work collaboratively with others. These goals all entail team work and personal growth. Which is what I have to gain from joining the basketball team.
  1. Increasing my awareness of my own strengths and areas for my growth 
  2. Undertake new challenges 
  3. Plan and initiate activities 
  4. Work collaboratively with others