Saturday, April 27, 2013

FInal Reflection

Taking part in SAISA Boys Basket Ball really helped me learn a lot in terms of how much I know of my strengths, both mentally and physically. The act of playing a part in a team sport taught me several valuable lessons in both respect towards teammates and members of other teams, as well and how to play a fair game. In addition to this I was able to learn more about my weaknesses and identifying the areas that I could improve like awareness skills required to play in a game situation. By learning the plays and the drills I was able to gain a different perspective on the game and how it can be played mentally as well as physically. I learnt how to strategize under the pressure of the game against opponent players on the opposite team. In doing this I learnt how to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent team.

I can say looking back at the beginning of the year I thought that I would not succeed being a CAS leader but as the year went on I learnt a lot about responsibility and leadership, which I found to be a big mental challenge. I learned how to manage my time efficiently and I learned several new skills in terms of learning to build houses in Habitat for Humanity and the sheer  manual labor that goes into physically build one. Through  CAS I also was able to plan and initiate activities like the builds and the meetings. In the builds I learned how to plan ahead and organize who’s going and who isn’t. in the meetings we would discuss more in depth on how we could make a difference to the community and organize fund raises for the less fortunate. We also learned to work collaboratively with the main head quarters for the Habitat foundation in Sri Lanka to organize builds which we could take part in. also we learned as leaders to work collaboratively with our peers in class and at the build cites.

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